Just one more time
Some will win, some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Don't stop believing
Hold on to that feeling
Well things don't always work out they way you plan them, or the way the doctors plan them, hell even the way life plans them. And when you first realize your plans go wrong you are pissed. Then you get over it. Then you determine that you need to keep fighting. That was my day yesterday. Our first real setback since diagnosis.
Yesterday we work up at 7am and got ready to go to the hospital.

We had to be at Sloan at 9:45, but were antsy to get there early. Despite the rain we were able to get some town car to go there. I was pissed because the African dude didn't have a meter and was playing "What do you want to pay?" I finally just threw him a ten, so we could be on our way. I probably over paid, but whatever I am by no means a city girl...and certainly not a NY city girl.
Even though we were early, I am glad they took him back right away. Some vital checks, a lot of waiting, but we knew surgery was to take place soon. One super sweet nurse had a pep talk with E and told him not to be scared. She had him doing breathing exercises...I was laughing, it looked like Lamaze. But it did help. He was much more relaxed....below is BEFORE his pep talk...

At noon they had him walk into the operating room. When I asked a nurse why he was walking, the nurse said studies found that when patients walked into the OR they are not as nervous and scared. You could see that as he was walking and carrying on a conversation with the anesthesiologist.
I was prepared for Eric to be in surgery 6-8 hours. I received a phone call stating surgery started at 12:25pm. I was to be updated at 1:40. When they came for an update they told me Eric was in the first part of the surgery, the liver resection. The plan was to remove the affected areas of the liver (the 2 major tumors positioned mostly on the right lobe [on the picture it is the larger of the 2 lobes] , and a few smaller surface tumors).

After 3 hours in surgery I received a call telling me to come back up to the floor, the operation was finishing up. I knew immediately something did not go right. I was expecting to be waiting minimum of 6 hours. Well when they opened him up they saw many more tumors then anticipated, on both lobes. Dr. D'Angelica determined that he could not safely remove most of the tumors without risking Eric's life. Basically, if he cut out all the cancer, Eric might not be left with enough healthy liver to survive. Instead they cut out 2 tumors and burned another in the left lobe. Now the left lobe is cancer free. They removed the gallbladder and installed he HAI chemo pump. They determined that Eric will need to have chemo to try to shrink the tumors on the right lobe, before they can attempt to resection again. Dr. D'Angelica explained that this 2-part resection is the best course of action for Eric.
So here we are...Eric will be recovering at Sloan for approx 6 days. While he's mad things didn't go as planned, he is determined not to let this setback hinder his fight.

He was up and walking several times today...less then 24 hours after major surgery. I am so proud. And, as always, Eric is a wonderful patient and the nurses LOVE him!! But who wouldn't love a handsome guy like him teehee!

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